
It’s Our Responsibility

Making Every Day Extraordinary

Alcantara has always been profoundly committed to sustainability. In fact, for a number of years, the Company has based its approach to development and profitability on the balance between social, economic and environmental factors. Over time, sustainability has become a true guiding principle, involving the entire corporate structure and creating a real shared culture. It is key to the Company’s mission: making every day extraordinary.

Carbon Neutrality

Being Carbon Neutral means having a net balance of CO2 emissions equal to zero. This includes not only the production process, but also use and disposal of the product. With a pioneering approach, Alcantara reached this ambitious goal back in 2009, obtaining the much-coveted Carbon Neutrality certification from one of the strictest and most rigorous international certification bodies (TÜV SÜD). Since then, the Company has fostered a deep and constant commitment to sustainability, as underlined by the processes designed to achieve continuous improvement with the company, and the numerous additional certifications it has obtained. Alcantara measures, reduces and offsets 100% of all carbon emissions attributable both to Company activities and to the product, from cradle to grave. The residual emissions are offset each year through Certified and Verified Offsetting Projects, validated and proved by an accredited third party, following the application of rigorous verification processes to which all offsetting projects are subjected, designed to promote the use of renewable energy in the poorest and most disadvantaged areas of the world.